Home » Margarita Glass Cactus Garden

Margarita Glass Cactus Garden



I thought it would be a great time to try out this idea I’ve  had for a while – Margarita Glass Cactus Gardens! I used mostly succulents which hardly require any water at all, and you need a shallow planter – these glasses work perfectly. These would make great wedding favors or wedding centerpieces for a southwestern theme, or even a regular party. Your guests can take them home and replant them, and then use the Margarita glass for—-Margaritas! They’ll think of you every time they sip!

Margarita Glass Cactus Garden by craftychica on Jumprope.

TIP: Because these don’t have a drain hole, the Lowe’s garden guy told me to water these using a spray bottle. The succulents don’t require much more than that, if you water them to much, fungi will grow at the bottom! So use a water spray bottle to water them!

OK, let’s get started!


SUPPLIES: Cactus Mix, Perlite, Margarita glasses, assorted mini-succulents and/or cacti, mixing bowl, small rocks.


Using a 3-to-1 ratio, mix the cactus mix and the perlite, pour a layer into the glass.


Carefully remove the succulent from the container.


Create a space in the mix to insert the plant. Set it in and add more mix around it so it stands firm.


Continue adding the rest of the plants and mix.


Pack it tight so they don’t move, you want them to be nice and firm! At this point, you can add small decorative rocks or glass pebbles if you want.


When working on the larger Margarita glass, decide if your arrangement will be seen from only one side or from all angles. If it is only from one side, then start by adding the larger plants in the back and work your way forward. If you want it to be seen from all angles, plant the large plants in the center and the smaller ones all around. Be gentle, let your little plants know you are going to treat them with mucho cariños.


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3 thoughts on “Margarita Glass Cactus Garden”

  1. I have just started to make terrariums. I just love them and they do make great gifts. I just love the ones you made with the glasses. Great idea and since I do have some fairly large ones I will start using them. Thanks for the inspiration Kathy.


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